Friday, March 30, 2012

Thank you everyone for the feedback on my blog.  I am glad you all enjoy reading my blog and that you are not big poker fans because my goal was to give you an inside look at poker and not just what you see on TV.  There is a lot more to it than what people think and if you do not study into and do your research and always try to improve your game, you will not be successful and thats what I love about it.  I am not doing good as you can tell but thats mainly because I have not had time to review how I play and take the time to figure out what I am doing wrong but dont worry Ill get it back up again.
I played cash game the first night I was down there and had pocket kings but the other guy had pocket aces so i lost 500 on that session.  This is my stack about an hour or two after I started and it is a little under 500

This is my stack about 2 hours into the World Series of Poker event I did in Atlantic City. This is about 15 thousand and we started out with 10 thousand so I was right around average 
This is my stack about 4-5 hours into it and it is around 23 thousand.  There was 240 people in the tournament and I finshed 62-65, I can remeber which one but they only paid 25 places so that was a 350 loss.

AC Session -850
Blog Total -50

Friday, March 2, 2012

Open Thread,
I would like some feed back on my blog.  Do you enjoy following me, do I have enough pictures to make you interested, and do you understand what I am writing about or do I use the wrong terminology? Also any other feedback will be great.  Thanx
My friend went pretty far in a torunament last night so I decided to go down to watch him and play a little so this is my stack around $750 about 2 hours into my session at Taj Mahal Atlantic City.  I broke even on the session so it was a little dissapointing but atleast I got to have fun with my friends later that night.
Session Even
Blog Total +800
The World Series of Poker is in Atlantic City for the start of our spring break weekend which my friends and I will be down there Friday the 9th until Monday the 12th when it ends but right after that a series is going to be at Delaware Park starting on the 14th so I will be playing all of the tournaments that week because they are very inexpensive.  Most of them are only a hundred or two, it sounds like alot but its not. Now remeber I use to play for a living un until last year.  You can check out the tournaments here.
During this time I will make sure I take plenty of pictures like I have been this way you dont have to read these long posts.